I feel that our site is effective in its purpose; being a website that gives details on new fueds between Rap artists. Additionally we have incorporated a quiz that can be taken for the enjoyment of the user to determine their favorite Rap artist bases on our quiz. Although our site is simple and easy to use, some things could be added to improve the engagement and influence the user has on their experience. If more time was given to the task maybe videos and other graphics could be used in our site. Through the completion of this task I have learned a lot about navigation and making website navagation as simple as possible. In conclusion the this website on hip-hop beef was a good learning experience for me with dreamweaver and problem solving.

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Tips On Making a Website


  • Understand what the website is required to do
  • Will you need a domain name and a hosting service

Screen Size

  • Different viewers will visit your site using different monitors that have their own resolutions
  • Most common are 640 x 480, 800 x 600, and 1024 x 768 pixels. Most sites are designed for viewing on 800 x 600 pixels.

Image Formats

  • Most common are GIF and JPG formats.
  • JPG are higher quality than GIF but loads slower. Used for photos that might have a change in scenery (light to dark).
  • GIF files are smaller and load much faster.
  • It is important to optimize file sizes. You will have to keep in mind that not everyone will have high-speed internet connection.


  • Viewers can only see your font if they have it installed on their computer.
  • Staying within certain font families such as sans, sans serif, and Monotype is advised.


  • Your pages must be straightfoward to navigate and intuitive. Viewers should know where to look without being told so.
  • Different menus such as rows across the top of a menu running down the side of the screen are the most common.
  • Some designers use drop down menus to keep things simple for the viewer. A drop down menu alows the viewer to decide where to navigate to while still having the main screen in the background.
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This is my understanding so far of what we have learned in Web Design. I have plotted what we have done and how it connects to key terms.

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Website re-design

1.) the design of my new site reflects how to model a proper website using C.R.A.P. Or contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. In the new website I organized the links and helpful ideas so that it is easier to see how to create a website.

2.) The most powerful ideas that I used in my design are repetition and alignment. You can see the backgrond boxes in horizontal alignment. These boxes also repeat to set a common theme. I also aligned my web page title and the short text box explaining my website to show organization.

3.) From doing this task I have learned that sometimes nothing is more. Instead of having to conjest a webpage with color and text, it looks and feels better if there is space and flow with designs and text. Additionally, from this task I have learned about how much time it takes to truly sit back and design a complex web page that we are used to seeing.

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Spank Swimwear

Below is my follow up e-mail to Brent Bartlett about our presentation to him on his options to extend and enhance his company, Spank Swimwear.

Mr. Bartlett,

After seeing our presentation to improve your online sales and reputation I would like to re-cap some of our main points. Fist I think it is of the upmost importance that your new cite has unlimited bandwidtch and a large disk space. We also found that it was important that you have a shopping cart and of course that this all comes at a reasonable price. After looking through many hosting services like Fat Cow, Go Daddy, and Digital Pacific we found that a service called SiteGround was the best for you. It is cheap and has all the services that you are looking for; unlimited disk space, bandwidth, and a shopping cart for only $3.95. SiteGround is the hosting service for you.


-Adrian Zenteno

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HTML Analyze

How well does it fulfill it’s purpose?  I think our HTML site fulfills its purpose, which was to make a simple HTML in order to be saved in a snow storm. It addresses where we are, and how to save us. In my mind this is all we need in this situation

How ‘good’ is the HTML?  Well, compared to what we have been exposed to on the internet and in class our HTML is very simple and ‘boring’. Our code seamed very complex to make and the end product was still simple. Our web pages looked like a slide show in a way, not a HTML page. From this experience I can really understand how hard it must be to create a complex HTML.

What did you notice about ‘how’ you and your partner worked?  My partner and I worked well together. We took turns writing code and looking up ideas on designing out HTML. We were also very time efficient and we didnt waste anytime.

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The World Wide Web is to the internet as shooting is to soccer.

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Does your home have Internet access? My home Does have internet

What do ISP’s  actually provide? ISP’s provide access to the internet form your home or anywhere else.

What do they promise/guarantee? Access to the Internet

What does that mean? Being able to connect to the world wide web and many other online features.

What happens if it fails? If it fails you cannot access the internet and need to call a specialist to check your connection and equipment in your house.

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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